Willow Glen Demographics
Willow Glen includes most of the area associated with San Jose Zip Code 95125 but also spreads over parts of five other San Jose Zip codes: 95008 (Greylands), 95126 (Avis/Cherry) 95128 (Del Mar, Sherman Oaks) 95118 (between Foxworthy Ave. and Hillsdale Ave.) and 95136 (above Hillsdale Ave. up to Highway 87)
The core neighborhoods of Willow Glen are all located in the 95125 Zip Code though and include in particular Willow Glen, Canoas Garden, Lincoln Glen (aka Willow Glen South), Broadway (aka Palmhaven) and the Guadalupe Almaden & Almaden Clara Felice areas.
A complete list of all neighborhoods in Willow Glen by Zip Code is available below
Based on the latest Census Bureau data available for 95125, total population in Willow Glen is estimated at about 49,000 split between 19,380 households. The estimated median household income is about $78,500 and average household size is 2.4 persons. The Cost of Living Index in Willow Glen is around 182 (vs.100 on average in the US).Over 70% of houses of Willow Glen were built before 1970. Less than 10% of the houses were built after 1990.
Here is some useful information about some of the core neighborhoods of Willow Glen:
Willow Glen is the eponymous neighborhood of the area. Bordered approximately, by Meridian Ave. (west), Almaden Expressway and Highway 87 (East), Willow Street (North) and Husted Ave. (South), the Willow Glen area is 4.6 square miles wide with an estimated population of 23,000. The average house in Willow Glen has 5-7 bedrooms, mostly built before the 1960s (80% of properties). Landmarks of the area include the famous Downtown area (on each sides of Lincoln Ave. North of Minnesota Ave.), Wilcox Park and Wallenberg Park.
Canoas Garden is the area located behind the Willow Glen Shopping Centre, which is more or less bordered west by Almaden Expressway, east by Highway 87 and south by Rubino Circle. It is an area of 0.234 square miles with an estimated population of 1,650. This area was recently developed: 45% of the properties located in that area were built after 1990. The majority of properties in the area have 2-4 bedrooms.
Lincoln Glen (aka Willow Glen South) is the area mostly comprised between Hillsdale Ave., Curtner Ave., Meridian Ave. and Almaden Expressway. It is an area of 1.6 square miles and with an estimated population of 8,800. The area is known in particular for its 6.2 acres park (Lincoln Glen Park) with its playground. This area is a historical district of San Jose: most of the houses were built pre-1960 and are fairly large estates (6-7 rooms on average).
Broadway (aka Palmhaven) is another historical and one of the smallest areas of Willow Glen, with an area of 0.2 square miles and an estimate population of 1,300. This neighborhood of Willow Glen is located just under Highway 280 and is bordered by Lincoln Ave. (West), Bird Ave. (East) and Willow Street (South) Most of the properties of the area are 5-6 bedrooms houses, for the vast majority built in the 1940s.
In spite of their name, Guadalupe Almaden and Almaden Clare Felice are in fact two neighborhoods of Willow Glen, located next to each other on the west side of Highway 87, around the crossing of Malone Road. Almaden Clare Felice is the larger of the two with an estimated population of 1,500. Most of the houses in both districts date back mostly to the 1970s and 1980s. The average property has 3-5 bedrooms in Almaden Clare Felice and 4-7 rooms in Guadalupe Almaden.
Willow Glen Neighborhoods by Zip Code
Willow Glen, Canoas Garden, Lincoln Glen (aka Willow Glen South), Evans, Almaden Clare Felice, Guadalupe Almaden, Northern Cross, Drake/Fuller, Gardner, Broadway (aka Palmhaven), Farm Drive
Avis/Cherry, Barbera Stokes
Sherman Oaks, Rose Glen, Del Mar, Palma Borello, Downing/Whitethorne, Fruitdale, Burbank
Summer Creek